Hello all. Yes Susanne we did feel the quake. My bad. I’d promised to always write a reassuring note after a quake because we frightened folk by not doing so after the quake in 2010. (We were safe in Argentina by then and didn’t realize folk would worry.)
The librarian evacuated the library. After a while everyone shrugged and went back in. I’m pleased to report we Canadian tourists were already on our way out the door when the librarian issued her order! We understand there was no damage from the tremor. It was a good drill and reminder what the danger feels like.
I’m having a solo adventure– just me, the 4×4 and my trusty Jibbigo iPhone translator. I’m suffering separation anxiety–a sign being more than 3 feet away from S for a day is probably a good idea. I will scout out our next stop–probably La Serena. It’s a big city so better to be a little familiar with it before dragging the casa rodante into town.
Always nice to find a stop where there is both functioning wifi AND toilet paper in the banyo.
Hug. M